Facelift in Guernsey & Jersey
The facelift procedure addresses the lower face and neck by lifting and re-draping the loose skin and underlying deeper tissues (known as the SMAS layer) that have been affected by gravity and the implications of ageing. The surgery will also improve definition along the neck and jawline.
Surgically addressing the soft tissue SMAS facial framework leads to optimal and more durable facial rejuvenation which non-surgical treatments cannot achieve. These specific facelift procedures can often be combined with complimentary procedures such as micro-fat grafting and require a high degree of specialised surgical skill and can be time demanding. A bespoke plan for each patient is tailored according to their personal needs, as each individual face, skin and soft tissue characteristics are different.
If you would like to discuss the treatment options in more detail or book a consultation, then please call our medical team who will be happy to help with your enquiries.
For more information about our surgeon please visit www.sulverclinic.com