Ear reshaping surgery in Jersey and Guernsey
Reshaping the ear, particularly the earlobe, is an increasingly popular plastic surgery procedure. Most commonly it is performed to correct a tear, split or large hole in the earlobe. However, techniques to reshape and reduce overly large earlobes are also possible, all of which can produce a natural appearing ear, with subtle scarring.
Earlobe reshaping is performed under local anaesthetic. The operation is carried out in our procedure room and takes between 30-minutes to 1-hour, depending on whether one or two ears are being operated on and on how complex the surgery is.
For prominent ear correction surgery please see separate section below.
If you would like to discuss the treatment options in more detail or book a consultation, then please call our medical team who will be happy to help with your enquiries.
For more information about our surgeon please visit www.sulverclinic.com