True Gynaecomastia is a common condition in young teenagers and in patients taking certain medications.
It can also occur as a result of hormonal imbalance. It is however often confused with the development and retention of excessive fatty tissue in males in the breast (pectoral) region. Both situations can be distressing as they give rise to the appearance of male breasts, ‘Moobs or Man Boobs’, which some patients find embarrassing.
Whilst it is not necessarily a health risk, particularly in teenagers, there are psychological implications for those who have the condition. Often in teenagers the condition will resolve spontaneously but in adult patients the fatty deposits can be permanent and chronic. Such circumstances can be managed very successfully with excellent cosmetic results and minimal downtime or discomfort.
The first step is to make an appointment for a consultation with one of our medical or surgical team to discuss your needs and find out more about managing your concerns. Consultations are a great identifier for which procedure is best for you. Factors such as lifestyle and medical background are important for us to guide you on what is the most suitable decision. Our Surgeons and Aesthetic Nurse Practitioners will guide you throughout your treatment process, answering any questions you may have and informing you about aftercare.
Phone or email now for further details or click on the links below for more information.