Red Veins
From broken capillaries on the face, to visible vessels on your body, red veins are a nuisance to many and it is no mean feat to shift them.
Also referred to as ‘thread veins’ and ‘spider veins’, many people who suffer with prominent and broken blood vessels are aware that preventative action like support stockings, regular exercise and maintaining the same weight, do not have a dramatic impact.
At the Aesthetic Skin Clinic we have a number of treatments for red veins, depending on the area of focus. Some treatments are more beneficial to those targeting the nose, chin and cheeks like Veinwave and IPL. Veinwave works by introducing a fine needle into the broken blood vessel, which pulses microwaves to the affected area, improving the appearance of the red veins by cauterising them.
As well as being used for hair removal, IPL is an effective treatment for reducing redness and inflammation in the skin. It is drawn to the colour red, and the vein absorbs the heat energy transmitted by the device. The heat then encourages the body to reabsorb the vein, removing it from the surface of the skin.
Other treatments like microsclerotherapy are more effective on smaller, more concentrated areas of veins on the legs for example. It works by injecting a small amount of sclerosing solution to the affected area; our expert practitioners can skilfully release the blood from the broken vessel, thereby reducing the redness caused by the capillary.
What treatment is best for you will also be determined by the severity of the condition, as we work with every patient on an individual basis.
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