The ageing process affects everyone in different ways, both mentally and physically. While some people may be seriously affected by grey hair, others will focus on their fine lines and wrinkles. Whatever gets you down about the visible signs of ageing, there may be an aesthetic treatment to help.
The ageing process affects everyone in different ways, both mentally and physically. While some people may be seriously affected by grey hair, others will focus on their fine lines and wrinkles. Whatever gets you down about the visible signs of ageing, there may be an aesthetic treatment to help.
For example, smile lines can significantly affect someone’s self-confidence, causing them to avoid smiling or laughing in front of people, or being unhappy with their appearance each time they catch their reflection. This can have a detrimental effect on someone mentally, so getting the help needed to assist with aesthetics is a great idea. Today, we’re exploring what you can do to get rid of or significantly decrease the visibility of smile lines with the help of Aesthetic Skin Clinic’s surgical and non-surgical treatments.
What Are Smile Lines?
Smile lines are common in almost everyone as part of the ageing process, as the skin loses collagen and elasticity and begins to sag, creating the fine lines and wrinkles visible on the face. Also referred to as laughter lines, smile lines are the two creases that extend from the sides of your nose around the corners of your mouth. They get their name because they become more noticeable when someone laughs or smiles.
While many people have smile lines, they either don’t pay them any attention or perhaps don’t feel the need to change their appearance. However, others may feel incredibly self-conscious about the creases and want to do something about them. The best thing to do if you want to reduce your smile line visibility, the best place to start is by determining the cause.
Natural Causes of Smile Lines
As mentioned, the most common cause of smile lines is the natural ageing process. As the skin ages, it loses collagen, which causes the sagging that then leads to fine lines and wrinkles, creating smile lines. While these creases are present when anyone laughs or smiles, the loss of collagen makes them visible even when the face is relaxed.
Genetics plays a huge part in the ageing process, so if you look at your relatives and notice they have prominent smile lines, chances are you will too.
Finally, if you have naturally dry skin, you are much more prone to smile lines, as dehydration can cause more prominent wrinkles.
Lifestyle Choices and Smile Lines
Plenty of lifestyle choices also increase the visibility of smile lines, including:
- Smoking. Some chemicals in tobacco cause a reduction of collagen, leading to higher visibility of fine lines and wrinkles at a younger age. The constant pursing of the lips can also speed up the appearance of wrinkles.
- Sun damage. The sun’s harmful UV rays significantly speed up the ageing process, so those who avoid sun cream or use tanning beds are much more likely to see smile lines earlier.
- Lack of sleep. Your skin makes new collagen while you sleep, so if you see the early hours of the morning or frequently get up in the night, you will probably have visible smile lines faster than those who get their required full night of beauty sleep.
How Can I Prevent Smile Lines?
Although ageing is a fact of life and something that cannot be avoided (as much as we would all like to say otherwise), there are certain things you can do if you want to prevent smile lines.
A good skincare routine using professional skincare products is beneficial for many reasons, but especially for preventing wrinkles. Focusing on anti-wrinkle care using serums, moisturisers, night creams, and professional masks is sure to help your skin. Just make sure you are using the right products for your skin type.
In addition, changing your lifestyle choices is also guaranteed to make a difference and prevent smile lines. For example, ensure you get enough sleep. This change can help with more than laughter lines, but brow lines and many more wrinkles which are common as part of the ageing process.
Protecting your skin against UV damage is also vital to slow your skin’s ageing appearance. Whether you are enjoying the summer sun or jet setting across the world, ensure you use a high dose of SPF, ideally 30+ and avoid the use of tanning beds. Of course, quitting smoking can offer a variety of benefits to your skin and overall health.
Treatments for Smile Lines
If you want to eliminate your smile lines, various treatments are available here at Aesthetic Skin Clinic. One of the best non-surgical treatments for smile lines is our dermal fillers. They help to smooth out your facial creases, create volume where it has been lost, and restore your youthful skin. In addition, the filler helps prevent sagging, which also gives you a more youthful glow.
Dermal fillers are relatively non-invasive and come with exceptionally low risk. However, if you are worried about the treatment, our friendly and experienced doctors, and nurses can talk you through the process during your discreet consultation, giving you a chance to discuss your options and ask any questions before going through with your appointment.
Smile Confidently with Aesthetic Skin Clinic
Here at Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we aim to help all our patients smile confidently. We want you to walk out of our clinics with a beaming smile you aren’t afraid to show off, which is precisely why we have spent a long time perfecting our smile line treatments.
Get in touch today so start your smile line journey and discover what our experienced, knowledgeable, and results-driven team can do for you and your smile.