When you think of the word ‘celebrity’, it’s plausible that images of beautiful, glamorous people come to mind with dramatic make-up, flawless skin, and not a piece of hair out of place. But as the trends turn away from the filtered, plastic look, is this an accurate representation of what it means to be a celebrity?

Being in the spotlight is difficult. It means everyone is watching your every move, every outfit choice, and every surgery. A lot of the time, celebrities do not disclose cosmetic surgeries and enhancements they have had as they will face criticism for not being real and authentic. However, with the rise of trends such as skinimalism and going filter-less, we thought it would be interesting to look into why some celebrities prefer the natural look and how cosmetic surgery actually aids this.
What is Skinimalism?
We first saw skinimalism in 2020, during the pandemic, when we were at home with no reason to get all dolled up with a full face of make-up. Many of us took this time to focus on our skincare and used the months spent at home to narrow down the perfect routine by trying and testing products designed to help reach our skin goals.
And it wasn’t just our friends and family who were trying out this natural way of life, celebrities all over the world owned it, and soon, our Instagram feeds were filled with selfies of the stars, makeup-less and at home.
So, the trend grew, and today, skinimalism is all about “less is more”. Not only does this mean less make-up, but less cosmetic surgery and enhancements too. But, of course, this doesn’t mean that celebrities are moving away from cosmetic surgery altogether, but instead, they’re using it in different ways.

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery Culture
As mentioned, celebrities are constantly scrutinised for how they look. While this has always been the case, it’s much easier for judgements to reach them now due to the rise in social media and the easy access anyone has directly to them.
Because all eyes are on the stars, there are extreme pressures to do the right thing and look the right way, which is why a large proportion of celebrities have undergone cosmetic enhancements and surgeries.
When cosmetic surgeries are mentioned, it’s often discussed in the sense that they are ‘admitting’ to have had work done, which adds another layer to the idea that cosmetic enhancements are taboo, which we, of course, believe they shouldn’t be.
When Did Natural Beauty Start Taking Over?
Since the pandemic, natural beauty trends such as skinimalism and no make-up make-up began taking over. Whilst this was a fantastic breakthrough in celebrity culture, many believed this would take the pressure off celebrities, which wasn’t the case at all. The natural beauty trend doesn’t refer to a lack of cosmetic surgeries or enhancements; it’s simply a change in surgery trends. For example, our facelift surgery in Guernsey is a subtle yet effective enhancement that fits into the natural beauty trend. It’s minimally invasive and creates natural-looking effects that tackle anti-ageing and give the face a rejuvenated and lifted look.
How Do These Trends Trickle Down into Society?
As a leading cosmetic skin clinic, we get clients who bring in reference photos of celebrities they wish to follow the trends of. So, for example, a client who may be looking for our eyelid surgery in Jersey could bring in a reference photo of Kendall Jenner. Whilst it is not confirmed that the model has had this exact procedure, she has the subtle, lifted, fox-eye look that is so sought-after in this new wave of minimal looking cosmetic enhancements.
People see celebrities flaunting the latest trends all over social media and television, so it doesn’t take long for these looks to start trickling down into society and taking over our Instagram feeds.

There’s a big difference between cosmetic surgery and a tweakment, and the latter is what so many celebrities are latching onto currently. They’re after the subtle, fresh, glowy and lifted look, which can often be achieved with a solid professional skincare routine and a couple of minor enhancements. Here at Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we offer fantastic skincare products, including those by Obagi. Once implemented into your routine, you will begin to notice the effects that dermatologist-approved products have, and often, clients find that that’s all they require to get their skin in their desired condition.
However, some wish to go a little further to achieve their natural-looking goals. We recommend contacting our results-driven team of medical experts who will guide you in the right direction for you. We can provide you with your tweakment options, including our list of minimally invasive surgeries, such as our brow lift in Jersey. So rest assured that you’re in good hands with our team if you’re looking for natural-looking results that will give you the confidence to go make-up-less or post that ‘just woke up’ selfie inspired by the stars.