Whether you decide to have the treatment or are booked in and waiting for your surgery, aftercare, especially knowing how to sleep, is a vital step to ensuring your best recovery. From swelling to tenderness, your usual sleeping routine may need adjusting to accommodate for protecting your incisions and bruising. Depending on where you have had your surgery, the first few nights can be challenging to find a comfortable position.

Understanding the Downtime of Your Surgery
Whilst every surgery requires plenty of rest for recovery, what is “downtime”? This period post-surgery is what your new adjustments need to settle. It allows the scarring and swelling to look less noticeable and the pain to alleviate.
The downtime from your procedure can vary between treatments and individual recommendations. For example, for our neck lift surgery in Jersey, the first stitches will be removed within four to five days, whereas we would leave the scalp stitches for ten days. If you are unsure about the downtime for your surgery, you should always speak with your consultant; they will be able to advise you through each stage of the procedure.
Things to Consider Before Going into Surgery
Whatever cosmetic procedure you plan on having, you must consider the recovery required. Some more simple surgeries will allow you to take a few days of rest, whilst others may restrict movement and the ability to lift heavy objects for several weeks. Our treatment pages all provide the downtime requirements to help you make an informed decision.

Having all the aftercare information is essential to any procedure, albeit one of our breast uplifts or a neck lift surgery in Guernsey; consider the aftereffects you may endure in aftercare. If you have children at home, you may wish to ask a friend or family to help with your day-to-day commitments during your recovery time. Perhaps you require manual labour within your work? Would you require time off? Looking hard at your lifestyle can help you plan for post-surgery issues that may need attention.
Sleep Positions After a Facial Surgery
Finding a comfortable position after one of our facial surgeries can be difficult if you are used to sleeping on your face. Whether on your side or ultimately faced down, even the deepest sleepers may discover an issue when finding that sleeping comfort.
Most facial surgeries will require you to sleep either sitting up or facing upright with a few more pillows for elevation; this is to help with any potential swelling or pressure placed on the incisions. We understand it may be difficult, but we advise these positions for at least two weeks to help you heal and give you the best possible results.
How to Get Comfortable After Breast Surgery
We offer breast uplift surgery in Jersey and our cosmetic clinic in Belfast to give you the right shape, lift and size you have always wished for. While most women will have experienced tender breasts at some point, such as after giving birth or that vividly painful menstruation period, for some, this could be more painful.

Finding a sweet spot for sleep can be difficult. Due to the swelling and to ensure enough blood circulation, we recommend sleeping on your back and keeping yourself elevated. Two pillows under each arm provide stability and prevent you from rolling unconsciously. It will also help get you out of bed as it will use fewer muscles.
Sleeping After Your Tummy Tuck
Again, we cannot emphasise that elevation and back sleeping are optimal for most of our surgeries. After a tummy tuck surgery, we will require an overnight stay with one of our cosmetic clinics in Jersey, Guernsey or Belfast. We will be able to help you find the most comfortable position ensuring that you are elevated enough and keep tucked in on your back.
How to Sleep Well After a Neck Surgery
Once more, elevation is essential with neck surgeries, but we would require you to sleep more upright than lying down. After the procedure, your neck will be supported by a splint. This will help ensure you keep your incisions protected and in place. Again, sitting up whilst sleeping will help with comfort and reduce swelling.
What to Do if You Suffer Insomnia Because of Discomfort?
Of course, we appreciate that trying to get a whole night’s sleep after surgery whilst sitting or laying at a high angle may not be ideal. Not only are you aware that your body has been through an ordeal, but the sleeping position is not the one you usually find comfortable. The first night is the most significant adjustment, so preparing yourself for little sleep will help ease the frustration.
Prepare your sleeping arrangements before you attend one of our clinics. Ensure there are plenty of easily accessible drinks and if your surgery allows you to eat solid food after, arrange plenty of snacks. Having a night light can assist with those late-night trips to the bathroom without stumbling over something in the dark, and a good book may help distract you from any pain in the middle of the night.
If it has been a few days and you have insomnia due to being uncomfortable or believe your pain is worse than it should be, give one of our clinics a call. They have the best knowledge when it comes to post-surgery care.