Updated in June 2024

Close-up of a person's lips

If your dream is to achieve fuller, more luscious lips like those of Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, or Kylie Jenner, you’re in the right place. That’s right, if you want to enhance the way your lips look, there’s nothing you should worry about; it’s doable! And it’s easier than you might think. With the correct combination of smart makeup techniques and reliable, professional treatments like those available at ASC, you can dramatically improve the appearance of your lips in a way that looks completely natural!

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of clever and easy strategies to help you transform your fine lips into the beautifully rounded, plump pout you’ve always desired. We’ll look into simple makeup hacks and then move to more advanced options, including popular procedures such as lip augmentation for longer-lasting results. So, whether you prefer DIY methods or thin lips treatments, you won’t be disappointed! Read on to learn about our tips and achieve perfect results.

A close-up of a person smiling

Smooth and Supple: Best Exfoliation Techniques for Fuller Lips

The first trick to making your lips look plumper is incredibly simple: exfoliation. Lip scrubbing is natural, comes before any makeup application, and works magic on your pout, not just in terms of making it look fuller but also for keeping it healthy and well-taken care of. By effectively removing dry, flaky skin, the exfoliation process allows your lips to reflect light more evenly, resulting in a beautiful, fuller appearance. However, there isn’t such a thing as one technique only; there are different methods that can lead to your desired results, and here are the best ones based on our experience.

·       Lip scrub products are varied and specifically formulated to exfoliate the delicate skin on your lips gently. They help to slough off dead skin cells, revealing smoother and more radiant lips. If you want to keep the process 100% homemade and natural, you can use a teaspoon of cane sugar mixed with honey, which will combine effective exfoliation with deep nourishment.

·       The toothbrush technique consists of using a soft-bristled toothbrush paired with your trusted lip scrub. Alternatively, you can use a silicon lip scrubber. Remember, be gentle: employ small, circular motions to stimulate blood circulation, promoting natural volume and a healthy, rosy hue.

·       Frequency: this is not a real technique, but it’s central to any method you choose to make it totally effective. Exfoliation should be a regular step of your skincare routine, but be mindful not to overdo it. Two or three times per week should be more than enough to maintain excellent lip health and appearance.

See? Nothing complicated. Integrate exfoliation into your beauty regimen, and you’ll achieve naturally fuller-looking lips in no time!

A person putting on lip balm

Plump It Up: Lip Plumping Balms for a Lush Look

While vibrant red lipstick can steal the show on a night out, don’t underestimate the power of a trusty lip balm! It does a great job of keeping your lips nourished and suppled throughout the day, which results in a fuller and more vibrant look. Remember, the skin on our lips is particularly delicate and prone to dryness and dehydration, making regular hydration essential. If your lips are already on the thin side, when dehydrated, they’ll look even thinner! So, make sure you’re always applying your favourite lip balm consistently to replenish their moisture, leaving your lips soft and supple.

Our advice is to choose products that are rich in oils (for instance, almond or jojoba oils), vitamins A and E, and are as natural as possible. So, don’t forget to keep your lip balm handy throughout the day for a healthy and luscious pout.

A close-up of a person applying lipstick

Achieving Perfectly Full Lips with Overlining

A timeless technique for creating the illusion of fuller lips is the strategic use of lip liner. While traditionally used for defining lip borders and preventing lipstick feathering, lip liners can offer so much more and work wonders in enhancing lip volume. Here’s how you can master the art of overlining to achieve perfectly full lips:

·       Step 1: choose the right lip liner. Opt for one that closely matches your chosen lipstick colour for a perfect blend.

·       Step 2: gradual overlining. Start by tracing slightly beyond your natural lip line, slowly building up the outline to avoid an unnatural appearance.

·       Step 3: prep with concealer. Apply a thin layer of concealer to your lips as a base before overlining to create a clean canvas and guide your application.

·       Step 4: precision application. Focus! Use extreme precision and refinement in your overlining technique to trace the lip liner over your concealed lip line.

·       Step 5: practice makes perfect. Mastering overlining is a tried-and-true method; practice as much as you can to achieve the same results makeup artists apply to enhance lip volume effectively.

With patience and practice, you will achieve the perfect balance of overlining that complements your unique lip shape and improves its look!

Close up of a person's lips

Sculpting Lips with Highlight and Contour Methods

If you’re under the impression contouring is limited to the face, you’re wrong: it can also be a game-changer for making your lips look fuller! Once you’ve applied your lipstick or lip gloss, you can use contour powder to literally sculpt your lips to change the way they appear.

Opt for a shade slightly darker than your natural skin tone or lipstick shade to create a subtle definition. Then, using a small brush, carefully apply the contour powder underneath your bottom lip. This strategic placement creates a fantastic shadow effect that blurs the line between the lip and surrounding skin, adding dimension and depth and leading to the illusion of more voluminous lips.

If you’re new to lip contouring and need help, rest assured: there are plenty of tutorials and videos available online. These resources offer step-by-step instructions and practical tips for sculpting your lips using several highlight and contour techniques.

A close-up of a person's lips

Filler Fabulous: All About Lip Fillers

If daily makeup hassles aren’t for you, we have the perfect long-lasting solution that will deliver the exceptional results you’re seeking: lip fillers. Here at The Aesthetic Clinic, among our non-surgical treatments, we offer lip fillers in Jersey and Guernsey specifically designed to increase your lips’s volume and provide natural-looking results perfectly aligned with your facial proportions.

Our lip fillers are crafted with hyaluronic acid, a hydrating substance that not only adds volume to your lips but also revitalises the delicate lip area. Unlike traditional fillers that may result in an overly artificial appearance, our approach is more focused on your lips’ natural beauty, maintaining their soft texture.


To receive personalised advice and achieve the result you want, we invite you to book a consultation with one of our experts. During this consultation, they will carefully assess your suitability for the treatment and discuss your desired outcomes. Drawing from our extensive range of lip filler options, they will select the most suitable product for your needs, so you achieve the beautifully natural-looking lips of your dreams.

Experience the transformative power of expert lip filler treatments at The Aesthetic Clinic; our treatment will reshape your lips and add subtle volume where needed, including a more augmented cupid’s bow. With your satisfaction and natural beauty as our top priorities, you will see an instant effect that can last up to six months or longer, which can be amended over time to suit your preferences. If you would like to learn more about our lip fillers in Jersey and Guernsey, contact us and speak to one of our experts.