Taking care of your health and wellbeing is more important than ever at this moment in time, especially with so many people feeling a lot more anxious than usual. Keeping your mind and body healthy whilst in lockdown is important, but how exactly can you achieve this?
Start or Keep Exercising
One of the most important things you can do while in quarantine is to workout. If you weren’t doing it before, consider starting now, as exercise offers many benefits to your physical and mental health. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy either; go out for a walk or a run, or follow some YouTube videos at home, for example.
Being active and eating a healthy diet are important for your mood, productivity, focus, skin and sleep (and getting enough sleep can also help you to achieve a healthier complexion). So, if you’ve been meaning to get into shape, don’t postpone until later – do it now and you’ll start seeing the results soon. And, if you leave the house for your allotted exercise time, this can help to prevent cabin fever.
Take Care of Your Appearance
It can be easy to think ‘what’s the point?’ when it comes to taking care of your appearance, including your skin, while the UK is still in lockdown. However, if you start now – or continue your skincare routine – you’ll feel better mentally as well. And everyone needs a pick-me-up at the moment! People tend to feel good when they use some ‘me’ time to take care of how they look, even if it’s as simple as brushing their hair or applying moisturiser.
Connect with Others
While social distancing is still the norm and social events and gatherings, as well as pubs and restaurants, are shut down, it’s important to continue building and developing relationships with others. No matter how introvert you are, you still need that human connection, so keep up constant communication with family and friends.
This can help you to feel a lot less isolated. With so many communication apps on your mobile, as well as tools like Skype or Zoom, you have a number of ways to maintain your relationships.
Practice Mindfulness
This is often used by people to feel better and to reduce stress on a daily basis, so it can be a great way to boost your mood and to protect your mental health. The idea behind mindfulness is to stay in the present and to avoid dwelling on the past or worrying about what hasn’t happened yet.
Many people who suffer from stress and anxiety are constantly preoccupied with the past or the future, but this self-awareness technique helps them to pay attention to what is going at any given moment in a positive way. People concentrate on the senses (touch, smell, sight, etc.) to be fully in the ‘here and now’, which helps them to face any challenges head on.
With so much worry about COVID-19 and what is going to happen in the future (not to mention worrying about loved ones), it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, so this can be a good way to take care of your mental health and wellbeing.
Be Creative
Another fantastic way to take care of your needs and to protect your mental health during these challenging times is to do something creative. Pick up a hobby or an activity that will have a positive impact on your wellbeing, and you’ll be surprised at how much your self-confidence can improve.
In essence, do something that makes you happy; if you like gardening, now is the time to finally get your hands dirty and, if you prefer to cook, learn new recipes. The possibilities are endless.
Don’t Forget to Unwind
Doing things is great to keep your mind occupied instead of worried, but it’s equally important to take a break and relax. Give yourself permission to stop mulling over a job deadline or give your body and mind time to recover from stress. There are numerous ways to do this, such as watching a movie, taking up crochet, reading a book, painting, taking a nap or spending some time with your pets.
Plan for the Future
Staying in the present is crucial in order to reduce stress, but, depending on the situation, looking forward doesn’t have to be anxiety-inducing, it can be exciting. For instance, you may want to start planning that event that you had to postpone, be it an evening with friends or your wedding.
Of course, this also means you can start planning your treatments from our cosmetic clinic in Jersey, our cosmetic clinic in Belfast or our cosmetic clinic in Guernsey.
We provide a vast array of surgical and non-surgical treatments, so you can be confident that you’ll find what you’re looking for with us. Do you want dermal fillers to restore volume to your face? Are you looking forward to undergo our HydraFacial procedure? Or do you seek hair transplant surgery?
If you’re unsure which treatment is the right one for you – or what exactly you should expect – take this time to plan everything and to obtain information. We offer an initial consultation to all of our customers before each treatment as well and are at your disposal if you want answers to your most pressing questions.
At The Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we believe it’s just as important to take care of your mind as it is to take care of your body, so our procedures are designed to help you both look and feel better – and to help you regain that confidence. Don’t hesitate to contact us today and we’ll be happy to talk to you about any of our treatments.