Lip fillers continue to be a popular option when it comes to cosmetic treatments, but it’s important that you’re well informed before choosing to go ahead with getting it done yourself. In this article, we will provide you with advice about lip fillers, so that you can make an informed decision. This advice is suited for anyone considering the treatment but not sure where to start, as it will let you know if this aesthetic procedure is the right one for you.
And, if you’re looking for lip fillers in Belfast, lip fillers in Jersey or lip fillers in Guernsey, you can be confident The Aesthetic Skin Clinic is synonymous with quality and excellence.
DO Research Before You Get Lip Fillers
Before committing to lip fillers – even if they’re just a temporary treatment – it’s crucial that you thoroughly research both the procedure and the clinic. Ask questions, read reviews, check out ‘before and after’ photos and make sure the aesthetician is specialised in this type of treatments. The person injecting you with filler such as hyaluronic acid needs to understand anatomy and know how to avoid hitting blood vessels. Opting for a cheap option without doing your research can lead to results you’re not comfortable with, such as an unnatural appearance or scarring.
In addition, lip fillers may be a quick procedure (even considered to be a lunchtime treatment), but they’re not completely risk-free. It’s important that you’re aware whether you’re allergic to any products used or whether you’re prone to cold sores, for example.
DON’T Take Anti-Inflammatory Medication
It may be tempting to take some Aspirin or Ibuprofen ahead of your procedure (or even a few days before), as you probably want to ensure minimal swelling; however, these types of medication will thin your blood, which will actually increase the risk of bleeding and bruising in the area where you received the injection. The same goes for coffee or wine – avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol at least a day before and after your procedure, because they can lead to inflammation and swelling.
DO Go Slow
One thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to go big when it comes to lip fillers. This can give you a ‘fake’ and ‘plastic’ look instead of the more natural aesthetic you’re seeking. So, take it slow and opt for smaller amounts of filler, which can be topped up in later sessions if you wish. You may regret overly filled lips as soon as you get them, as a large amount of filler won’t enhance their shape. On the contrary, too much filler can even give you the infamous ‘duck lips’. Be aware of how plump you want your lips and discuss this ahead of time.
DON’T Massage Your Lips
Touching and massaging your newly augmented lips is not a good idea. We understand the temptation (it will be difficult to resist the plumpness!) but it’s vital that you leave them alone after the treatment. If you massage them, you may move the filler around, which may cause it to move to undesirable areas and lead to unwanted results. Touching them in such a way can also affect the amount of volume achieved.
DO Keep Hydrated
Both pre- and post-procedure, you’ll want to drink lots of water. Keeping hydrated will help with downtime, as it increases your body’s ability to heal. It can also help you with swelling and inflammation, so make sure you’re getting plenty of water.
DON’T Exercise Immediately After
Stay away from exercise at least 24 hours after the procedure. You will want to avoid engaging in activities that increase blood flow to your face, as they result in inflammation. While it’s true that lip fillers don’t require a huge amount of downtime apart from the normal mild swelling and bruising, it’s still best to do everything you can to help your body heal. Your lips will thank you.
DO Prepare for Discomfort
You won’t be in a great amount of pain when getting lip fillers. However, you may still experience slight pain or discomfort, given that your lips are very sensitive areas of the body. We apply topical numbing cream if necessary, which can reduce the discomfort to a dull throbbing or pressure.
DON’T Expect Your Fillers to Last Forever
It’s important to manage your expectations are well. Lip fillers have a longevity of between 6 to 12 months, after which you will have to undergo one or more sessions (depending on the volume you want) if you wish to plump up your lips once more. Take this into consideration to avoid disappointment, since our bodies will metabolise the filler formula over time. Also, your lips returning to normal is good news, as the last thing you want is for them to deflate or become saggy.
DO Avoid Messing with the Area Prior to the Procedure
By this, we mean you shouldn’t wax, bleach, tweeze or use hair removal cream around your lip area for, at least, a few days before getting fillers. Doing so may lead to problems with healing, infection or inflammation.
Sticking to the Do’s & Don’ts Before and After Lip Filler
At the Aesthetic Skin Clinic, our professional team has many years of experience and knowledge when it comes to cosmetic treatments, so you can be confident that you’ll be in safe hands from start to finish. We offer a wide range of surgical and nonsurgical treatments, so you will always find what you’re looking for at our clinics. Some of our other treatments include skin tightening in Belfast, Northern Ireland and Guernsey as well as a non-surgical facelift in Belfast and our other locations.