It’s January and, while most of us have one or more resolutions planned in already, there is still plenty of time for you to make a list and turn your life around this year. Today, we’re looking at what you can gift both your body and mind this year. From diets to dermal fillers, it’s time to change your life for the better and feel more confident.
New Year, New Diet
Diets are important; they dictate so much about our bodies, energy, sleep patterns and even happiness. Many people choose a new diet for their new year’s resolution, often to get rid of the weight gained by a Christmas indulgence. Unfortunately, many people are making the same mistake every year, and you might be too.
So many of us plan to lose a specific amount of weight in a certain amount of time after Christmas, but this can create unnecessary mental pressures which can cause you to end up hating your new diet, even if you’re loving the results. If you hate what you eat, chances are you’re going to give up on it.
If you put in the time and effort to create a new, healthy diet that you can love, then you’re on track not only for a healthy year, but a happy one too. You can manage this by thinking about portion sizes, replacing sugary carbonated drinks with water, and avoiding setting yourself unrealistic weight targets. It’s worth it to lose the weight slowly, if you want to make a lifestyle change that you can stick to.
New Year, New Teeth
New diets can be a great resolution to test your willpower and improve your general health, but laser whitening can immediately improve your beauty. Our smiles are a huge part of our body language, so you can be sure that a teeth-whitening process won’t go unnoticed by your peers.
Laser whitening can be a very rewarding process in terms of self-confidence as well. Your new year’s resolution could end up in a massive self-esteem boost, because you’ll likely feel even more fantastic after this self-improvement treatment. If you’ve recently had a dermal filler with us, then you might want to add laser teeth whitening to your list of things to do. Put your best face forward for this year!
New Year, New You
So far, we’ve talked about the body, but another popular resolution people make at the start of the year is to improve their personality. This can involve a number of wonderous ambitions, including but not limited to: one act of kindness every day, holding the door open for people, recycling more or making a planner to ensure you never miss another birthday.
New year’s resolutions are all about setting lifestyle changes, so it’s important not to overwork yourself and set impossible goals. Remember, if you don’t manage to attain your aspirations this year, you can always re-set them in 2020.
New Year, New Youth
In order to confront the new year with your best self, you might be looking for an improved sense of self-esteem. Your new diet should go some way to emboldening you for the year, but beauty is also a factor in the lives of so many people.
Whatever your gender, sex, age or wage, beauty is self-love. It’s about treating your body with the attention it deserves, and a nice secondary effect is that it will likely improve your confidence. Many people manage their beauty through creams, exfoliators and make-up, but we recommend adding a dermal filler to your repertoire. Dermal fillers are great ways to maintain an honest-looking, youthful appearance.
We provide dermal fillers in Belfast, but we can also offer our dermal fillers in Jersey as well as dermal fillers in Guernsey. Why not reward all the hard work you did in 2018 with a self-care trip to the Channel Islands? Make an adventure out of it, and live your life to the fullest today.