For some, Christmas 2017 will have been an incredibly memorable period.
With approximately 33% of couples becoming engaged between November and New Years Day, it is no secret that moving into the new year, resolutions to get your body ‘wedding ready’ will have been popular.
If you are one of the lucky ones who has been proposed to this last Christmas, the prospect of planning all of the intricacies of a wedding, whilst juggling everyday life, plus trying to focus on your body, can become quite a daunting process.
Don’t fret! Take a look at our suggestions below to help you achieve the body of your dreams, all in time for one of the most important days of your life.
Honesty is the Best Policy
First things first, you need to assess the situation. Taking into account components such as how long you have until the big day, or how much time you realistically have to devote each week to your new regime is essential.
Without considering these factors, it is much easier to slip ‘off of the bandwagon’ and revert back to old habits, as we become complacent, and expect a last minute, quick fix that we can search for two weeks before the wedding.

Developing a plan will keep you motivated and on track, which ultimately will lead you to see results, faster. In addition to this, you can get your betrothed involved, too!
Implementing a schedule that suits both of you can offer a level of support and, whether you are focusing on your weight or your appearance, you will have someone there to encourage you along your journey.
Fitness First
If it is exercise which you need to focus on, establishing which type of exercise is best for you is important. Try and find out what exercise classes are available in your area, and look for different ways to get involved. Can you remember being a fan of any sport in particular during high school? From running clubs to high-intensity workouts, there is something for everyone.
If the prospect of exercise fills you with dread, then try and look for alternative gym sessions. In recent years, gyms have seen a rise in demand for dance workouts, injecting fun into the standard workout, all whilst still burning those stubborn calories.
By finding a class which you enjoy, you eradicate any chance that you will find an excuse to miss it, which ultimately will help you achieve your wedding body quicker, and take the stress out of exercise.

Complexion Care
If it is your complexion that you need to improve before the big day, then implementing a new skincare routine can greatly benefit you, whilst developing a new healthy habit at the same time.
At Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we offer a range of advanced cosmetic procedures which have been developed with your needs in mind. Treatments such as hydrafacial in Belfast, hydrafacial in Guernsey and hydrafacial in Jersey, as well as IS Clinical Fire & Ice Resurfacing Treatment can help to rejuvenate your skin, leaving you feeling refreshed and looking youthful. Alternatively, you may be more interested in treatments or procedures for your body, such as Fat Freezing or Thermage CPT Body which can help you to get the perfect sillhouette for your big day.
Our consultation program with our friendly experts can help you ascertain what procedure will best suit you, in line with whatever outcome you wish to achieve.
So contact us today, and begin your journey to getting body confident, all in time for your wedding day, at one of our three state of the art clinics.