At the Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we offer a huge number of treatments, both surgical and non-surgical to help you to feel more like you. Whatever treatment you are looking for, one of our biggest concerns is that you feel completely comfortable and well-informed about the treatment you are about to undertake. So, if you are considering Fraxel Skin Resurfacing, read on to find out more about what it is and how it works.

What is Skin Resurfacing?
Traditionally, laser skin resurfacing was offered to patients who wished to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin on their face. They may have suffered from acne in the past, or simply wished to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. These treatments often required an extended period of downtime to allow the skin to recover.
Why is Fraxel Different?
Fraxel allows for the same, great results as traditional laser skin resurfacing, but with a fraction of the downtime. It uses a non-invasive, fractional laser so only a small part of the skin is treated at one time. This means that you can enjoy the fantastic results of this treatment in a short time.
How Does Fraxel Work?
It may sound a little scary, but Fraxel works by causing tiny micro-injuries to the skin. The laser targets small areas of skin reaching deep into the dermis, destroying old pigmented cells. As the skin repairs itself, it produces healthy skin cells, replacing damaged skin that was there before. The treatment is so much faster than other, traditional treatments as it only targets small areas of the skin at a time. This means that undamaged skin cells surround these micro-injuries, helping the affected cells to recover.
What Can I Expect From the Treatment?
It is usually necessary to undergo three to five treatments, each spaced 28 days apart. In each session, we will target 15-20% of the skin’s surface, which allows for a quick recovery time. In each treatment, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to your skin, roughly an hour before we begin. You will probably feel a mild burning sensation during the treatment which will feel a little like sunburn, but this will wear off after a few hours. The laser will simply be passed over the skin multiple times, and we will make sure to cool the skin with fans during treatment and cold compresses after, so you are never in extreme discomfort.

What are the Results?
After even the first treatment, your skin is likely to start feeling smoother and tighter, but this is likely to improve with each session. For the best results, it’s important that you look after your skin following treatment. You should wear sunscreen for several weeks after to ensure it is protected.
Fraxel Skin Resurfacing is just one of the many treatments we offer that can help you to achieve your ideal look. If you would like to discuss any of our treatments in more detail, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our expert team through our online contact form or by calling one of our three clinics.