We don’t realise how much of a work-out our necks get on a day to day basis, as they get stretched back and forth with every turn of our heads and are used more than you think in our facial expressions. A neck lift can significantly improve the shape and overall appearance of your face by trimming and tightening excess skin that has started to sag over time.
Signs You Need a Neck Lift
As a rule, most people who opt for neck lift surgery decide on the procedure to reduce signs of aging. Deep, vertical grooves start to form in the skin under your chin; these show that the natural elasticity of your skin has worn over the years and are also signs of extensive exposure to the sun.
The gathering of skin under your chin can make it look like you have a double chin, and sometimes a lot of skin can collect and move independently from your head.
Unless you constantly wear turtle neck jumpers and wrap-around scarves every day, your neck is always on show, so if you’re suffering from excessive drooping that takes on the appearance of a ‘turkey neck’ then it can make you very self-conscious.
What a Neck Lift Can Do For You
Apart from boosting your confidence, a neck lift can redefine the shape of your face. During the procedure, incisions are made in a similar fashion to a traditional face lift; in front of and behind the ears, and then one just behind the natural skin crease of your chin to access the platysma muscle.
The muscle is then stretched to achieve the desired tautness, and excess skin removed. The surgery can often involve sub-mental liposuction which targets the fatty tissue under the chin.
Recovery from the procedure is relatively short, but because the surgery is in an area which undergoes a lot of activity, you mustn’t put too much strain on your neck to avoid things such as bleeding or poor scarring.
The first stitches can be removed after 4-5 days, and scalp stitches after approximately 10 days. After 3 weeks the healing process should have made enough progress so that you can show your new neck to the world, although it’s advised to wear a neck brace at night for up to 6 weeks for optimum support.
If you’re contemplating neck lift surgery, or any other facial surgery, then the Aesthetic Skin Clinic can help restore a youthful appearance. Alternatively, if you’re looking to invest in non-surgical skin care or hair removal treatment in the Channel Islands, then you can contact us at 01481 736 699 for further information. You can also visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updates.