They say that eyes are the windows to the soul and with the amount of bright eyes we see in older faces it’s not hard to believe. While our remarkable vision can give away our deepest emotions, they can also give away more unwanted aspects, such as our age.
When we think of ageing eyes, we conjure up images of double bags on our lower lids, of crow’s feet tugging at the creases of our eyes, and of our top lids drooping a little too low, creating the image of somebody in desperate need of a decent night’s sleep. Though age may be a large factor in such unwanted changes, lack of care for the skin can also play an important role. There are a few non surgical methods to consider if you want your eyes to stay as fresh and vitalised as the rest of your skin.
- Keep hydrated
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Moisturise
- Remove all make-up before bed
- Do not rub make-up from your eyes- this can stretch the skin too much creating creases and slacken skin elasticity where you don’t want it.
These may seem like the typical answers to taking care of your skin, however, as the skin around your eyes can age you dramatically, it’s important to take particular care when it comes to this area.
What if the natural approach isn’t working?
Non surgical procedures can only do so much when bringing a little life back into our eyes however, and the natural approach isn’t for everybody. Sometimes, a little helping hand is needed.
The pressure to ‘grow old graciously’ is a subject many people have trouble coming to terms with. You can grow old graciously in so many ways, such as how you dress, how you present yourself, and how much make-up you wear. Taking a surgical step towards preventing your eyes from aging you too much shouldn’t be a point of graciousness you need to worry about.
There are two procedures we perform here at the Aesthetic Skin Clinic which can help take years off of your eyes, and to ease any discomfort or visual difficulties you may be suffering.
Both procedures are fairly straightforward, resulting in tighter, younger looking eyes.
Your eyes are a very delicate part of your face, so to ensure you get the best results with minimal scarring our surgical procedures are performed with the utmost skill and precision.
Our surgeons thoroughly examine your eyes before starting, taking care to look for:
- Any previous eye problems
- Use of contact lenses or any history of laser eye surgery
- Thyroid disease
- Low eye brows (when looking at upper eye surgery)
- Secondary Bags (when looking at lower eye surgery, in which case you will not be suitable for the procedure)
Our cosmetic skin clinic in the Channel Islands performs a number of surgical procedures every day. We know what we’re doing, what the best courses of action are for you, and we understand that surgery can be a very personal procedure and there are other heavy eyelid treatments. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01481 736699 and our trained and compassionate team will help to answer any questions you may have.